Free printable Kids' Activity Page below!
Join us for these fun and exciting activities and events this fall!
All attendees to indoor activities at the Discovery Center are required to wear socks, caregivers included. The Sensory Space is a stocking-feet-only facility: no shoes, and no bare feet allowed.
Registration is NOT required for weekly activities.
10:30am Story Time at the Library (700 Lincoln Ave): Join us for songs and stories, followed by Sensory play time! There is no maximum attendance limit for this program, and you can check out Library materials to take home!
4pm Teen Gaming (ages 12-17): We'll begin playing Pokemon, but we'll experiment with other games as well. Bring your game face (and your Pokemon cards) for this fun night with like-minded gamers!
10:30am Story Time at the Discovery Center (504 East Main St): Ms. Cindy leads us in songs, stories and games, followed by Sensory play time! Sock requirements (caregivers included) and occupancy limits apply.
1pm Adult Chair Yoga: Wear your socks and get ready to stretch, with slow yoga movements to soothing music in our Sensory Space. Ms. Tracey will lead you in relaxing, yet invigorating yoga from the safety and stability of your chair. All adults, of whatever ability, are welcome.
6pm Adult Craft Time: Come for the free chocolate, stay for the beautiful crafts. Ms. Ambritt will lead you through a craft that looks like it was more difficult to make than it really is! Take it home and enjoy the compliments. Although all adults are welcome, Adult Crafting makes for an excellent free ladies' night out!
4pm Tween Time: Ms. Cindy leads crafts, games, technology, and other activities (plus some Sensory Space time!) for kids ages 9-12. You never know what she's go in store for you, so bring a friend and find out what all the fun is about!
10:30am Story Time Online: Stop at the Library for a free grab bag, then watch Ms. Jenna's video Story Time, with songs, games, activities, and of course, stories! Where will Ms. Jenna be this week? What crazy, cool thing will she do? You'll just have to tune in to find out!
Sensory Appointments
Would you like private time in the Sensory Space? We have Sensory Appointment times on Wednesdays at 2pm and Thurdays at 6pm, when you can have the room all to yourself. Or bring a group of friends, that's fine, too! Staff will teach you to use the equipment, either on the calming or active sides of the room, and then you have the place all to yourself for an hour, though staff remain on hand should you need assistance. Socks are required, including for caregivers. Appointments are required. Call 330.578.5160 to make an appointment.
Some events require registration. Please see our calendar for details.